Yoga Tag. Select 3-4 "its". If tagged by an it, students selected 1 of 4 yoga poses below, and froze in this position. They are freed by 1 student mirroring their pose for a "3, 2, 1 done" count and both re-entered the game.
Angry Birds (YOGA) Tag:
- Cut up pool noodles in to discs (or use another soft object) and hand TWO out to each student (see picture below). I called the noodles "rocks" as Angry Birds 'crash' into rocks.
- Select 4 Yoga Poses (above) and attach one coloured noodle to each (I used pink, yellow, purple, green noodles).
- Select 3-4 "Angry Birds" to be the "its".
- If tagged by an angry bird, students explode ONE "rock" (coloured noodle) into the air. They still have one "life left".
- If tagged by an Angry Bird a second time, the tagged person freezes in designated Yoga Pose (according to the colour they exploded into the air).
- They can be freed by non-its picking up an exploded 'rocks' .
- (Could call non-its the "green piggies")
Nice ideas. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDelete:) Trying to engage students in a different way!