
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Target in Small Spaces

Making Use of Our Stage (small space setting) and Setting Up Multi-Station Target Activities

1. Floor Curl
Curling on 'wheels" using Floor Curl
We purchased equipment this year to support our TGFU Target Unit!  Floor Curl is a big hit!

2. Bull's Eye:  Used floor tape to make different coloured shapes on the floor and wall.

3.  Bowling

4. Dome Slide:  Students have one bean bag and cone.  The cone is at the middle black line.  They underhand slide their bean-bag toward the dome cone and try to send it toward the black baseline.  They retrieve their bean bag each time, moving back to their start line and slide toward their dome target.  Once it crosses the opposite baseline, they start over again.

5.  Sticky Toss:  Sending velcroe ball toward a felt board (purchased from phys-ed supplier company...flaghouse example below)
6. More to come...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

At the Heart of HPE are LIVING SKILLS!

I just realized that the word HOPE is part of H&PE...I just changed the "&"  to a to a heart (or lower case "o" with a heart in the middle)!  

My question as a health & physical educator is how do I educate my students to build hope and confidence in themselves?  How do I create a safe and productive learning environment that builds personal and interpersonal skills that can be transferred to other curriculum areas?  How will I integrate the Living Skills on a daily basis?  Well, character building is an important part of the H&PE curriculum...we as teachers can give students HoPE in H&PE!

When we observe our students' needs we can drive our daily planning through encouraging Living Skills.  Below, I created a model of how I envision Living Skills impacting my teaching of the H&PE Curriculum and incorporating a continual cycle of planning, acting, assessing, observing and moving through this cycle of teaching with Living Skills at the heart of my planning.

Personal Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Critical Creative Thinking Skills
Living Skills Impacting HPE Curriculum and  TLCP cycle
At the heart of H&PE is Living Skills.  Every expectation in the Ontario Curriculum is connected to a Living Skill.  

How are you making Living Skills a part of your H&PE program?

Target Games and Critical Questions

Let the Target Activities Begin!

TARGET UNIT: Primary Living Skills Critical Questions connected to Movement Skills...generated directly from the Ontario Curriculum Living Skills Specific Expectations!

TARGET UNIT: Junior & Intermediate Living Skills Critical Questions connected to Movement Skills (8) and Active Living (7)...generated directly from the Ontario Curriculum Living Skills Specific Expectations!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Healthy Choices - I CAN...I WILL


Students from grade 6-8 responded to the I can - I will statement above.  This allowed them to set a healthy eating goal for our Healthy Choices unit while at the same time connecting to our True Sport focus for the month of November.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Net/Wall Game Category Defined

Teaching Games for Understanding: 

Net/Wall Game Category Defined, Strategies, and Tactics

We often used mats as 'nets' to play with a variety of equipment including:

For our Junior and Intermediate Classes, we focussed on a specific net/wall strategy and allowed student choice of equipment later in the unit, once we experimented with various boundaries, skill development (i.e., underhand serve, receiving within set boundaries in ready position - Refer to Ontario H&PE Curriculum for specific grade expectations).

Junior/Intermediate Equipment:
- Petekas (send with hand)
- Tennis ball (send with hand)
- Deck Tennis Rings
- Volleyballs
- Trainer Volleyballs
- Badminton (use of implement to send)

Primary/Junior Equipment:
- Balloons
- Beach Balls (variety of sizes)
- Bean Bags
- Tennis Balls (wall ball)
- Trainer Volleyball
- Deck Tennis Rings

What are some creative ways you played NET/WALL GAMES using a variety of equipment within your division?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dance the "Groove Method" Way

Inspired by the GROOVE METHOD!

D.R. B.E.S.T. - Elements of Dance 

Groove Moves to Success!  Be Unique!

Dance is an area I have challenged myself to become more comfortable teaching and I found one of many strategies to make it a fun and enjoyable part of my teaching.  I had the opportunity to be in-serviced by the "Groove Method" dance instructors and I was able to take away some easy strategies to implement immediately into my classroom!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fitness - Dot Drill

Our intermediate students are beginning to coordinate the dot drill phases below! We use poly spots (5) and set them up in a 2-1-2 pattern. See mat at the Bigger Faster Stronger web site.
Dot Drill - Five Phases

Dot Drill - 5 Phases

Dot Drill #1

Dot Drill #2

Dot Drill #3

Dot Drill #4

Dot Drill #5

Once students learn the five phases, they can time how long it takes to perform the drill from phase one to phase five and with practise, they improve their cardio-respiratory endurance.  We are in the beginning stages of coordinating the movements and moving fluidly from one phase to the next.

Monday, October 22, 2012

H&PE: October 22, 2012 Words of the Week

"Word of the Day" idea from Pintrest has become "Word of the Week" in my Health & Physical Education Classroom.

***Trying to find a way to link BLM to my blog...I will keep you posted!




Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fundamental Movement Skills-Word Wall

Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) WORD WALL!  When teaching, students can look at the cards and pictures and visually see how to perform the fundamental skills. 

Fundamental Movement Skills Word Wall

HPE Fundamental Movement Skills Word Wall: At Eye Level

 At the 2012 Ophea Conference I received the "Learn to Move Fundamental Movement Skills" Cards at a workshop. This resource is available as a free download (from the link above). 

There are 19 Anchor Cards for Teaching Movement Skills and Strategies

***Added larger 'word-wall signs' to the top of each anchor chart.
***Placed cards at eye level (for primary grades...we are on the stage some of the time - the stage is our playground!).
***Highlight FMS by placing a star at the word to identify the Movement Skill focus for a unit or lesson. 
***Have students decide which activity they just performed by looking at the pictures and they place the star on the appropriate skill(s).

Teaching Games for Understading Cards are included.  
***I used these cards to look at the progression of simple to complex strategies and skill development for each game category!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Net/Wall Activities and TLCP

*HPE Program Need:  Increasing critical thinking and allowing more student opportunities to speak the H&PE language using appropriate terminology in their thinking and communications; increasing student voice; allowing students to experience activities using a variety of equipment, playing a variety of games to reinforce strategies discussed.

Critical Thinking Questions for Net/Wall Games
*Critical Thinking Questions generated from Ophea's "Learn to Move - Fundamental Movement Skills" Cards (Net/Wall Card) or from Ontario H&PE Curriculum (look in specific grade under teacher prompts or living skills at the front of each grade section).
Posted in gym hallway during unit
*Can be used as exit card questions
*Allows students to be thinking about application when playing a variety of net/wall games and activities.

Net/Wall Activities-J/I Movement Competence Critical Thinking Questions

Net/Wall Activities-J/I Living Skills Critical Questions

Teaching Learning Critical Pathway for Net/Wall Activities (Junior/Intermediate)

Net/Wall-Junior TLCP

Net/Wall-Intermediate TLCP
Big Idea:
Intermediate Big IdeaHow does failure allow you to gain success over your opponent in Net/Wall Activities? 

Junior Big Idea: How can you be a good example to others when participating in new and challenging net/wall games and activities?

Learning GoalsLinked to specific grade expectations in Living Skills, Active Living and Movement Competence Strands.

Tasks: (Basic ideas for students to demonstrate their learning) 1. Video conference with students (pre-assessment) using critical thinking questions based on living skills. 2. Movement Competence skills break down (demonstration and oral). 3. Application of grade specific strategies in net/wall activities. 4. Students completed a self-evaluation (included safety and active participation for progress reports).

Bump It Up: Focus on Strategies and their application in a game situation (this is a need in our classes this year).

Evaluation: Rubric included a student self-evaluation and an exit card question at the bottom (based on our critical questions).

***What are some of your 'Big Ideas' for Health & Physical Education?***

 It would be nice to gather some HPE big ideas that can be cross-curricular and even link to what teachers are doing in literacy!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Critical Thinking in H&PE

Encouraging Critical Thinking in H&PE

In our gym hallway we attached 3 dry erase boards - Active Living, Movement Competence, Healthy Living.  Questions come from the living skills section of the New Ontario H&PE Curriculum document.  When moving through a Learning Cycle, we select questions appropriate to how we want students to be thinking about their learning in terms of their living skills and hopefully making connections to themselves, others, and their world outside of the gym and health classrooms.  

I am on a mission!  I want to incorporate technology into my classroom so a simple way is to allowing students to demonstrate their learning via Video Response.  

Using a flip camera (or ipad, iphone, or other device with video recording capabilities) we recorded their responses.  We are currently 'training' students using the questions below (which connect with our True Sport ("Go For It")/Character Trait ("Courage") for the month of Sept/Oct.
  • Dollar Store White boards (actually $2 from Dollarama).
  • Dry erase Crayons (takes a little more effort for students to remove this vs. dry erase markers)
  • Velcro (attach like a bulletin board to wall using industrial velcro from Home Depot)

H&PE Critical Thinkers via Living Skills: Active Living-Movement Competence-Healthy Living

Critical Thinking in H&PE via Living Skills: Active Living White Board

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September: Ophea 50 Fitness Activities 1-7

SEPTEMBER: OPHEA 50 Fitness Activities # 1-7

Ophea 50 Fitness Activities #1-7
Teaching the Primary Students these moves as we have H&PE classes on the stage and they are great to refer to for fitness Breaks!  Wonderful for the classroom as well for DPA and Brain Breaks!

Be a True Sport: Character Education and Living Skills

Elementary Student Success Teacher at HWDSB, Dave Weir, has supported our movement forward with True Sport Character Building at Lawfield Elementary School (Hamilton, Ontario: K-8-current student population of approximately 730 students).

We are connecting HPE Living Skills with our schools character building attributes, along with the True Sport "Principles for Sport" and "Principles for Communities".  

Our students are building a language that supports Personal and Interpersonal growth as well as developing a reflective practices within our H&PE classroom!  


Ways we are connecting:

True Sport Website

Twitter:  @beatruesport

Web Page: Be a True Sport!

Primary: Student Generated Success Criteria for Getting Active and "Going For It"
Junior: Student Generated Success Criteria for Getting Active and "Going For It"

Intermediate: Student Generated Success Criteria for Getting Active, Monitoring  Self, and Setting Goals to "Go For It"

Monday, September 17, 2012

Movement Competence-Self/Peer Evaluation Poster

Movement Competence Evaluation Chart-Self/Peer Eval
1. Decide what your learning goal focus is for the lesson(s).  Have students help generate the success criteria according to the learning goal selected.
2.  Write success criteria with dry erase marker (laminated poster paper) into the white middle area of the poster.
3. At the end of the lesson(s) have students monitor and give you, the teacher, feedback if the students feel they 'got it' or 'are still working on it' according to the success criteria listed.
4. Each student receives a square with Velcro and attaches it to poster Velcro for quick, instant feedback.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Assessment Target

Assessment Pyramid
Self-Evaluation using Learning goal and success criteria.  Students will come up with additional success criteria to support the learning goal.

Sunday, September 9, 2012 Video

YouThrive is a practical resource that was developed in a partnership involving Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario (CMHA Ontario), Ontario Lung Association (OLA) and Ophea. It is for leaders in communities and schools across Ontario who work with youth aged 12 to 19. It is designed for people who want to create communities in which young people can thrive and develop capacity to realize their own abilities, make a contribution to society and learn how to take control of their own lives. It shows how using a health promotion approach supports positive mental health and prevents risk-taking behaviour among young people.

Purple People Eater DPA Dance!

Noodle Discs and Ophea 50 Fitness Activities

POOL NOODLES are not just a swimming toy!  They can be used in a variety of ways.  CIRA has a resource called "Oodles of Noodles".   (see picture below). 

I combined the noodles with the 50 Fitness Activities (which I developed through my board HWDSB, as a special assignment teacher for Daily Physical Activity...then helped edit, modify the 50 Fitness Activities with Ophea).  

***Ophea 50 Fitness Activity Cards  are core on the spot fitness activities that can be incorporated into any existing activity or DPA program, or used on their own.  The cards can be purchased at the link above.

·         Pool Noodles
·         Hand Saw
·         Plastic Grocery Store bags (or other) to place 50 noodle discs into)
·         Permanent Marker (preferably black)

1.     POOL NOODLES: Purchase 4 different coloured pool noodles (total number of noodles to purchase is approximately = 1 noodle per teacher).  Example colours: Pink, Purple, Yellow, Green).

2.     CUT NOODLES INTO DISCS: Using a saw, cut pool noodles into discs – approximately 3 to 4 cm width or 1 inch.  Each pool noodle can yield approximately 60 noodle discs.

3.     AMOUNT: 50 disc pieces per bag (12 pink, 12 purple, 12 yellow, 12 green, PLUS 2 from any bag).

4.     NUMBER DISCS 1 TO 50:  Use permanent marker (sharpies work best) to write the numbers 1 to 50 onto the noodle disc pieces. 
I took mailing labels and created fitness activities (included a picture of the fitness activity for primary students).
a.     You can then use the “50 Fitness Activities ON-THE-SPOT Chart”. 
b.    Reminder: Underline the 6 and 9
c.     Hint:  Make your ‘ones’ look lie a ‘typed’ one = 1.

5.     ALPHABET:  On the opposite side of the disc, use permanent marker to write individual alphabet letters. Underline each letter.  Start by using one whole colour at a time.  For example,
·       12 Pink discs = A – L
·         13 Purple discs = M – X, YZ (YZ on same disc)
·         12 Yellow = A – L
·         13 Green discs = M – X, YZ (YZ on same disc)
NOW you have two sets of the alphabet (Pink-Purple Set & Yellow-Green Set)

a.     50 Fitness Activities Chart
b.    A-B-C Fitness / 1-2-3 Fitness
c.     Hot Potato
d.    Noodle over, Noodle Under
e.     Coloured Action Dice
f.     Active Robin’s Nest (uses 50 Fitness Activities Chart)
g.    Noodle Scoop

7.     ALTERNATIVE TO NOODLE DISCS:  50 of the following - Easter Eggs, Styrofoam Balls, Tennis Balls etc.

Sample Activity Idea #1:
Noodle discs – Main Activity
mini hot potato
SUGGESTED LOCATION: Classroom, Gymnasium
·         Noodle Discs (yellow, purple, green, pink) – One disc per student
·         Chart Paper with Activities listed beside each ‘colour’
·         CD Player and music
·         Safety Sweep!
1.     Handout one noodle disc per student.
2.     Demonstrate and/or review each activity listed beside each coloured Noodle Disc:
3.     Have students move about the space (i.e., skip, hop, scissor hop, high knees, etc.).  As they move about the space, instruct students to exchange their noodle discs while the music is playing.  They should exchange with other students who have a different colour and do so every 3 to 5 seconds.
4.     When the music stops, students should perform the activity that matches the colour noodle in their hand at that time. 
5.     Students should continue to perform the designated activity until the music starts up again.
6.     Each time students start to move about the space, change up the locomotion pattern.

1.     Allow students to fill in their choice of activities beside each colour of noodle.
Cindy Merritt, HWDSB