Middle School Students completing their personal fitness goals for the third time.
September: Pre-assessment - Students are getting to know where they are at in terms of their own personal fitness. Students perform activities under each fitness component (see picture below).
October: Post-Assessment: Students perform their fitness stations a second time (with their baseline data from September in mind) and then set short term S.M.A.R.T. goals for Term 1...
Re-visit goal setting on an on-going basis in a students HPE portfolio throughout the year: Students reflect on their performances and look directly at their own results for strengths, areas for improvement, and growth in all fitness component areas.
January: Term 1 Personal Fitness Performance Appraisal
April: Term 2 Personal Fitness Performance Appraisal
End of May: Final Goal Setting Task. Students will reflect on their learning from the whole year (depending on grade specific expectations for 7 and 8's).